Brownhills West Primary School

 Year 1

Welcome to Year 1, the year that begins the children's journey into Key Stage One, so it's a very important year.  This will be your child's first year of the National Curriculum and  they will experience lots of hands on learning through our inspiring and creative curriculum.

We are excited to welcome you to Year 1 and look forward to getting to know our families.


Class Teacher: Miss K Devlin

Teaching Assistant: Mrs K Cox & Mrs Lewis 

Useful Information:



Our PE sessions this term will be on Tuesdays.

Children are to come to school wearing their PE kits. Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing and footwear for the weather. Our school PE kit consists of black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms, white T-shirt, trainers for outside. A sweatshirt can also be worn in colder months.

 Hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn. 


Forest School during enrichment on a Friday: 

Children are to bring their forest school kit into school. Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing and footwear for forest school. Please also be aware children will be coming home in their forest school kit (this will be muddy) and is all part of the forest school fun! 


Our Learning




ltp year 1 yearly overview 2024 2025.pdf







Termly overview: 




spring 2 curriculum map 2025.pdf






Children are allocated books suitable to their ability on Oxford Ready Buddy (their login is in their Reading Record). Children also have a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book which they choose themselves from the class library. This is to share at home and it is expected that good care is taken of the book. Lost or damaged books will incur a like-for-like replacement cost.

All of our children are expected to read at home at least four times per week with an adult recording their reading in the child’s Reading Record book. Reading Records will be checked every Friday by staff in your child’s class. Children who have met the expectation of reading at least four times per week will be rewarded with 5 DoJo points.

Reading is the most powerful gift we can give a child: it puts stardust in their imaginations


We will be sharing some great class texts this year including:

  • Several Julia Donaldson books
  • Mini Grey Tales
  • Hansel and Gretal
  • Jack and the Beanstalk
  • Traction Man
  • Oliver's Vegetables
  • The Lighthouse Keeper's lunch
  • Toys in Space


  • Children should practise and learn their spellings which are set each week. School have provided exercise books to keep at home to help with this. 


  • Using the Times Tables Rock Stars app, children should complete sessions weekly for 60 minutes.
  • Using the NumBots app, children should complete sessions weekly for 60 minutes. 


Useful Websites


 You will find the following websites useful in supporting your child's learning at home. 

Follow this link to access the Oxford Reading Buddy website where you can use your own personal login to read lots of extra books! Why not try one of the reading quizzes afterwards?

Maths Follow this link for a range of Maths games for mental calculations, ordering numbers and times tables.

Follow this link and use your login details to access the times table rockstar competitions.


We hope you know a little more about Year One now. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and speak to a member of the Year One team or send a message via Class Dojo.