Brownhills West Primary School


Why do we teach RE at Brownhills West?

Religious Education (RE) is an entitlement to every pupil at Brownhills West Primary School. Walsall is a vibrant and diverse Borough. Our population includes significant communities of Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs and smaller groups of other significant faith communities including Jews, Jains, Buddhists and members of the Baha'i faith. Our school is situated on an estate near the very edge of the Borough with a far less diverse community. Through the teaching of RE, we are equipping our pupils with the knowledge and understanding of these principle religions that make up our wider community along with the qualities of tolerance, respect and enquiry.

At Brownhills West Primary School, we believe our carefully sequenced RE curriculum provides a particular set of materials through which our pupils come to understand important things about the world and about themselves. It stands in our curriculum as a set of ideas and practices that have shaped and continue to shape our world. The business of RE is an exploration of the influence of religions and beliefs on individuals, culture and behaviour. Our RE curriculum promotes the cultural capital of our pupils and prepares them to become positive contributors to our local and national community.


insert gallery


Yearly Overview

re whole school long term plan.pdf



Progression of Knowledge and Skills

progression document for website.pdf