Brownhills West Primary School


Welcome to Reception!

We are excited to welcome you to Reception and look forward to getting to know our families.


Class Teacher: Miss H Pike

Teaching Assistant: Mrs M Mason

Useful Information


Our P.E lessons will take place on a Thursday. Our school P.E kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and pumps. Children are allowed to wear jogging bottoms, a jacket and trainers for outdoor P.E lessons. Hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn.


Children can order tuck for morning break.

 We offer:

  • Milkshake (strawberry, chocolate, banana) - 50p
  • Juice (apple, orange, forest fruits) - 50p
  • Pancake – 50p

Tuck will not be ordered if the child has no money with them.


Children are responsible for looking after their own belongings. Please make sure your child’s name is on all of their belongings clearly to avoid confusion and the mix up of items. Thank you.

Class Dojo

Please connect to our class dojo and check for updates. We regularly post  pictures of our wonderful learning.


Long Term Plan

reception ltp 24 25.pdf


Termly Overview


autumn 1 curriculum map.pdf


Reception children may be sent homework tasks such as:

  • Literacy - phonics, letter formation, simple sentence writing
  • Maths - shape, counting, number formation

We appreciate all of your support with homework, please help your child complete as much as possible to help them earn lots of points!   

Useful Websites


 Top Marks